10 easy ways to save money as a Teen

Ten ways to save money as a teen

Being a teenager is a little hard because you tend to want almost everything. Yes you do want to go and travel. Yes, you want to maybe buy a laptop. But those things are expensive as a teenager. You also want a lot of little things.
Maybe new clothes, or a new iPhone case or a new purse.
But the thing is we tend to want a lot of things and it's really hard to save for the big things if you're always spending it on little things.So today, I will share with you 10 ways to help you save money as a teen.

(1). I recommend that you tip something that you really want or that you're saving up for in your wallet or maybe put it as your lockscreen on your phone.

Tip what you you're saving up for on your phone's lockscreen

Basically, it's just going to constantly remind you that you're trying to safe up for something and probably just make you rethink everytime: Do you really want to buy this thing and it worth it?

(2). Pack your own Food and Snacks

Pack your food and snacks
I know for most of us maybe you don't pack enough food and you're probably going to get hungry. And then, if you have extra cash in your wallet, you're going to spend it on maybe vending machine or maybe go out and just buy something.
Imagine if you're spending $8 every single day . Even if it's just for like 4 days, it's going to add up. That one you spend on food could've gone to whatever you're saving for.

(3). Look for Coupon online

Look for coupon online
Before you hit that checkout button online, I definitely recommend searching Google whether there might be Coupon signs around because sometimes especially for certain holidays, some online stores tend to have certain promo codes for certain holidays.
Basically, most holidays have a coupon and you never know if you don't check it on Google, especially if they have a newsletter, try to sign up for that and they might even send a coupon. 

  • Usually it's like 10%  for maybe $5, and $10 of your order and it really helps  because that could have gone to taxes or maybe shipping.

(4). Be patient before you start to buy something

Be patient before you start to buy anything

I'm not saying you shouldn't buy something just because you're saving for something else bigger. I'm just saying you need to make pretty informed decision before buying something and make sure you actually want it because you're saving up for something bigger.

Now, let's say you for some reasons, need a new watch and it's pretty expensive, yet you're saving for something else bigger. So before you buy that watch or whatever it is, try to wait for at least 3 days before buying it and maybe even make a weight of whether you should buy it or not.

(5). Pay with Cash

Pay with cash always

Now I know most of the times, especially when you're in your younger teens, you're probably not going to have your own credit card or debit card
Just in case you do, always pay with cash because at least when you're paying with cash you can see and feel that you're giving money away and you're loosing money  and it's not the same feeling when you're using like a credit card or debit card.

With cash, you can see like Oh! I only have like $5 left. But with the card, it's Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!

(6). I recommend you get some kind of container, maybe some kind of shoe box

I recomment you get some container to save your money

Essentially, just put in a dollar every single day or maybe some loose change. By doing that, you're going to make it add up even if it's just a dollar. If basically you could just wait for a whole month and you already got 30 bucks, and it really helps. 
If you're trying not to touch that container for money, you're really saving a lot of money. Just keep putting a dollar in there everyday and it really adds up.

(7). I recommend reusing and redecorating things to be new

Reuse and redecorate things to be new

Don't find excuses to buy new things when you can still use your old things

(8). Cut off unnecessary spending

Cut-off unnecessary spending

Oftentime, you never even know it is unnecessary until you actually evaluate what you're spending your money on.
Just try to list almost every thing that you spend your money on . Just re-evaluate whether you actually need that.
Also try to find ways to maybe substitute what you're spending your things on, or try to limit it as much as possible because you probably dont need to spend that much on that thing.

(9) Always get Samples

Always get samples
Ensure to ask for what you actually want to buy, test it and see if it's the exact thing you really want so that you  won't end up buying it twice.

(10). Just tell your parents and most likely, they're going to constantly remind you to save money.

Tell your parents to remind you to save money

Especially your parents, I know for like my parents when I was young, they're going to nagg me if I want to buy something and I know it might just like make me so frustrated that I just don't want to buy it anymore.
So essentially, they're going to constantly remind you  to save money and you're more likely to save money cos you have that support.
Thank you from skill breeder's

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