According to DANLOCK, there is one skill set that you must master, develop, and put some time learning to be richPEOPLE SKILL
People skill is being able to connect, talk to, and resonate with people.
There are some truth to this, but people skill is not quiet enough. People skill is making people to like you. If you're not careful, it's very easy to become a people pleaser, and a people pleaser usually doesn't create a lot of wealth.
So, when you're connecting with people, you want to be liked instead of respected. You want people to like you, not say anything bad about you and things like: you smile , you remember their first name, you be a good listener and a lot of people are decent at that, but most people are actually not good with people.
Especially now with technology: millennials, young people like to communicate over phone call, Facebook, Snapchat and others. So people are not very good with people anymore.But that isn't what I'm talking about now.The number one skill that you must master to be rich is closing skill -the ability to close. Not just people skill but the ability to connect and make them to like you.I'm talking about the ability to influence, persuade, and convince other people to take the action that you want them to take. That's closing.
I want you to think about this: everything and anything that you want in your life that you don't have right now, other people already have them. Resources, capital, fulfilment, context, success, whatever it is that you want, other people already have them.What you need to do is develop the ability to close them - to persuade and influence them to give them to you.
Wealth is not created, wealth is transferred.
How do you do that?
I want you to think about Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is a closer. When he does a presentation, new announcement of Tesla, guess what? He's closing.
There are many forms of closing. You can close one on one, one to a 100, on phone, on camera... It's all closing.
Warren Buffet is a closer. If you've ever seen his annual shareholder meetings, guess what? He was doing, what he always does is closing.He is selling on the vision of the company, he's reporting to you what he's done in the past.
If you're an entrepreneur, that's simply what you do. Nothing happens until a sale is made in Business. You're selling your vendors why they should give you better terms.
You are selling your employees how they could perform better. Selling them on the vision where you want to go, where you want to take them to.When you're talking to customers, you're selling them why they should buy from you and not buy from somebody else, not buy from your competitors.
You're selling all the time!
The question is:
Are you a good Closer?
Just the problem with most people, they are not good closers. They have this negative association towards selling - closing, like a dirty word.
An entrepreneur is a person with a Vision who Orchestrates other people's time, talents, money, and resources to make his/her vision a reality.
Notice that every single one of those things ; you've got to sell at the people, to close at the people to give that to you.
Time, money, resources, capital, all these are closing..
But the problem is : you don't learn this skill in school, not from your parents. You definitely do not learn this skill from your friends.There aren't that many places that teach this skill.So what is the purpose of writing this article?
I believe you can answer that now. You already know it.
But how can you further have a deeper understanding?
This is never thought in school. The best way to learn is to learn.
You probably might have interest in this post as an Entrepreneur, Business body or self-hosted-learner to master this skill.
Here are my recommendations:
(1) Buy and read books on Negotiation, human relation and customer relation.
A book I'll recommend is “You can negotiate anything" by Herb Cohen.
(2) If you also want an intensive training on the subject, you can Join DAN LOCK here.